Sol.js v0.1-alpha

An experiment to create a framework that is quick to setup, and easy to test.

View the Project on GitHub isuttell/sol


  1. Download Master and untar.
  2. Install with npm install
  3. Run node app.js or use a process manager, e.g. pm2 start app.js
  4. Open http://localhost:3001 in a web browser.


Assets are kept in the assets folder. Running grunt will automatically watch the assets folder and keep it in sync it for development. Everytime an asset changes it's copied/processed into to the .tmp/public folder. For example, SCSS files are compiled and unminified when they are changed.

For production, run grunt build this copies, minifies, et cetera, the assets into the www folder. This is the folder that should be used as the static asset folder on a production server.


Routes are defined in config/routes.js:

// Format
        'VERB /uri' : '*Controller.action',

        // Examples
        'GET /' : 'IndexController.index',
        'GET /users' : 'UserController.users',
        'POST /user' : '',


Controllers are automatically loaded from the api/controllers/ folder. Only files ending in Controller.js are read, e.g. HomeController.js.

module.exports = function(sol){
          return {
            // This action is passed directly to express. req and res allow access
            // to Express.js request and response objects
            index: function(req, res) {
              sol.user.find().exec(function(err, model){
                if(err) {
                  res.status(500).send('Unable to create model');
                return res.json(model);
            users: function(req, res) {
              return res.render('projects');


Sol.js use Waterline as an ORM. Model definitions are automaticall loaded from the api/models/ folder. Only files ending in Model.js are read, e.g. UserModel.js.

module.exports = {

          identity: 'User', // This name is used in Controllers to access it

          connection: 'localDisk', // Adapter defined in config/connections

          attributes: {
            firstName: 'string',
            lastName: 'string'



Views are located in the views folder and use ejs by default; To render a view, use the res.render(view, data) function in a controller action.

Coding Standards and Unit Testing

All JS follows Google Coding Standards. This can be changed in .jscsrc. Every time grunt detects a change in code, it automatically checks for linting issues, coding standards, and unit tests. Prior to every commit, all three must pass.


Grunt configuration files are split into two directorys and automatically loaded. Each task gets its own file in the tasks/config directory. Additional custum tasks are registered in the tasks/regsiter folder.

Application Setup


Be default cookies are used. To enable Redis, uncomment out the adapter line in config/sessions.js

  // adapter: 'redis', // Uncomment this to enable

          redis: {
            host: 'localhost',
            port: 6379,
            ttl: 24 * 60 * 60,
            db: 0,
            pass: 'secret',
            prefix: 'sess:'


Bower components are automatically installed in the assets/components folder and intergrated into the asset pipeline